
Our little helper

I started packing today. Lots left to do but happy with what I started. Faith enjoys helping. It is hard to say at this point how much she understands about our move. She knows we’re going to a “new house” and she is excited about her new room and the promise of a flower bed. (flower sheets). We have told her she won’t be able to see Uncle Danny every day, or Peyton and Ausia, and have talked about how they will have to come on an airplane like Gigi or Grandpa or David or etc. She seems content with all the information, but at the same time is more clingy to Mommy than usual. I am going to start researching online for ideas on how to help toddlers adjust to a move, and am also going to look at the library for childrens books about moving, etc.

We are tackling a to-do list. Tonight I got online and ordered the items for Faiths entertainment for our road trip to Colorado. Some new I spy books, a couple of dvds, some magnetic dress up dolls, coloring books, stickers, lace-up cards, etc. I know she will enjoy it all. I will just have to hide the box when it arrives because she will want to open it!

Packing is so much easier this time. Our last move was a “lesson learned”– from what to pack, what to GET RID OF, what size/kind of boxes not to use, etc. Ay ay ay. So many mistakes last time. Looking forward to a smoother move this go around.

Tomorrow: more packing. Perhaps a little shopping to pick up a few maternity items. Oh, and we promised Faith breakfast at the beach, which means grabbing muffins and hot chocolate at the beach coffeehouse and eating by the water. πŸ™‚ Will take pics.


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4 responses to “Packing

  1. Melissa

    So happy for you all and your new adventure.
    It will be sad but happy times will get you thru it…

  2. Kim

    I for one am THRILLED. Amelia and I will come help you and Faith unpack!!!!!!

    • faithsteps2seattle

      Kim! I may take you up on it πŸ™‚ Maybe Faith and Amelia will distract each other.
      I’ll email you again with the details of our arrival– hope to have all of that set up within a day or two.
      Thankful for a familiar face in Colorado πŸ™‚

  3. GiGi

    So much excitement! I know it is bittersweet for you! Hang in there and don’t over do it!!

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